The world has always appreciated India for its customs and rituals with hidden scientific reasons. As you move from one state to another, you will notice different customs, traditions, dialects, and ceremonies. All these traditions and customs are of incredible value in Indian culture and together make India a secular state within. India, pristine land of spirituality with a 7000-year-old story. A land held tight to its ancient traditions embedded with the fruits of deep-rooted culture passed on through generations and sentiments intact.
We follow these traditions so casually in our lives that we never observe them performing. For example, whenever any elderly, passes by, we fold our hands and say Namaste to demonstrate respect. Have ever wondered that there could be a scientific reason for it? We also found out a few interesting facts about these Indian traditions and thought to share with our readers. Later on, reading this article, you will come to know how our inherited traditions possess great scientific reasons.
The Significance of Namaste: Joining both the Palms together to Greet

In Hindu culture, people greet each other by joining their palms termed as ‘Namaste’ – The traditional Indian greeting. A gesture that marks respect, admiration, and love for the person we greet. The symbol is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. In yoga, we call this gesture Anjali Mudra. It is a well-known fact that the crests of the finger are major energy points. When we bring together the palms with our fingers, linking the tip of our fingers. As a result, the connection of the nerve circuits of the brain with the upper body happens. A spirit of calmness and well-being immediately descends.
Furthermore, In yoga, each finger is representative of a particular zip. The little finger, the ring finger, and the middle finger represent the tamas or dullness, Rajas or activity, and satwa or refinement respectively. The index finger is the individual soul or Jeeva Atma, and the thumb is the Paramatma or the ultimate soul. There are scientific reasons behind that pressing them together to activate these pressure levels, which helps us remember that person for a long time. It also keeps away germs as we do not create any physical contact.
Pronunciation of OM – Scientific Reasons and Uses

The chanting of Om helps the brain calm down. The thoughts recede, and there is an instant feeling of peace and composure. People consider Om as the primal sound – The first sound. The universal sound is the combination of three syllables A, U, Ma. When we pronounce Om as we say ‘A’ the lower portions of the body up to the stomach are activated. As we say ‘U’ the chest area is activated and with ‘M’ the face and the brain gets triggered off. The proper pronunciation of OM ensures a maximum intake of oxygen required for a healthy body and creative thinker. Mystic says that Om is like the clapping of one hand.
The chanting of Om ensures peace, which relaxes the body and the mind. It is a belief that the chanting of Om reduces blood pressure and control heart rates. If We pronounce OM after taking a deep breath, it improves the sensation of alertness and thus, concentration.
Why do we visit the Temples?

Idol worship is a phase of prayer, but what are the scientific reasons behind installing these idols in magnificently constructed temples. The construction of Temples falls strategically in zones where positive vibrations from the magnetic and electric field of the north/south pole of the earth, extraction of thrust can be there in abundance. We feel the pinnacle of this energy at the Garbagriha or Moolasthanam where the place of the deity falls. People asked to walk barefoot in the temples so that the assimilation of radiation pass to the body. It is a belief that men should visit temples bare-chested as human hair can take up positive energy. Whereas, Women should wear gold ornaments when they travel to the temples as gold is one of the best absorbents and radiators of positive energy. That is why many temples Vimahanas are made of gold too.
We recognize that there are some copper plates, inscribed with Vedic scripts, buried beneath the deity. The copper plate absorbs the earth’s magnetic waves and radiates them to the environment. When we walk around clockwise the sanctum, enables a state of equilibrium of the mind of its movement around its source of optimism. These are some of the scientific reasons behind the sense of serenity that fills a person from the inside. Anyone travels to a temple regardless of their belief in God. Scientifically, the positive energy that we all need to receive a healthy existence.
Why must the Temples be with the Tallest Construction in the Entire Town?

An unsaid rule from ancient times is that the temples should be the tallest construction in that particular township or city. We realize this rule in prevalence in the agrahaaram style of Civilization in rural areas. The reason commonly stated, is that “God is the Supreme and hence the temple must be the most improbable”. The actual reason behind the practice is the assimilating power of the temple Gopuram. There is a filling of paddy usually inside the Gopuram as it is an excellent absorbent of shock waves. Wherever lightning hits the village, the diversion of rays pass to Gopuram, and the passing of excess harmful rays beam to the earth. This paddy in Gopuram assimilates the beneficial Cosmic Rays from the atmosphere and radiates inside the temples.
What are the scientific reasons behind the closing of Hindu temples during Eclipses?
The construction of temples strategically is to function as quantum healing centres. During an eclipse, the aura around the idol is imbalanced. According to Hindu mythology, during an eclipse; the heavenly bodies, particularly the sun and the moon emit negative energies. Therefore, to avoid the harmful emissions to bother the devotees. The temple doors are closed. Moreover, the use of Tulsi leaves is to cover the deities. Since they are known for absorbing harmful radiation.
Why do Temples have Bells?
“Aagamartanthu devaanaam gamanartanthu raakshasam kurve gantarvam thatra deva dahwana lakshanam” Translation: “I set out my worship ringing the bell saying that the divine may enter me and all demonic forces within and without departing.”

People who visit the temple should and will ring the bell before going into the inner sanctum (Grabhagriha) where the place of the main idol falls. According to Agama Sastra, the use of the bell is to give sound for keeping evil forces away, and the gang of the bell is pleasing to God. However, the scientific reasons behind bells are that their ring clears our mind and aids us to stay sharp and keep our full concentration on devotional purposes.
The temple bell was a beautifully crafted object made of an amalgam of various metals including zinc, copper bronze and cadmium, and many other alloys. When the bell rang, there is a resonate which created an instantaneous harmony between the right and left lobes of the brain. The Echo lasted seven seconds, passing to the seven chakras of the body or seven energy points in the torso. It results in emptying our minds of all negative thoughts. A well-designed temple bell could also bring out the sound of OM.
What is the purpose of conducting Abhishekam?
There have been debates regarding conducting Abhishekam for stone idols in the temple. The age-old granite idols have the propensity to develop cracks on ageing. There is regular contact with agents such as milk, honey, and oil as it helps in keeping the shrine intact, thus preserving these ancient sculptures.
It is another interesting observation that the base on which idols mountains. The making of the mount is of a specific alloy of gold, silver, and traces of lead which have medicinal properties when mixed with milk and honey. There are scientific reasons behind that the distribution of milk and Panchamritam from the Abhishekam have medicinal properties and cure many diseases.
Why are Silk Clothes preferred while doing Pooja?

Silk could attract and absorb electromagnetic energy. The constant friction between the textile and the body created an electromagnetic attraction. When the devotee did Pooja wearing Silk clothes, there was an instant absorption of the energy created which carried to the devotee and creating a feeling of instant calm. The Silk also prevented the loss of that energy, thereby contributing to increased concentration. That was the scientific reason why devotees all over India whether Marathi for Ganesh Puja, Bengali for Durga Puja, or Gujarati for Laxmi Puja preferred to worship wearing Silk clothes.
Why do we consider some trees sacred in India?

Some trees are considered sacred in India, The Neem, The Tulsi, The Audumbar, and The Peepal tree are some of them. The dropping of seeds by birds helps in propagating these trees. The Audumbar tree is associated with Lord Dattatreya. The Neem and The Tulsi are sacred due to their medicinal and spiritual properties. The most important among them was the People Tree. They neither had tasty food and nor strong wood so, why then was this tree considered so important. It was capable of generating oxygen 24 hours a day hour.
Our ancestors knew that it generated oxygen day and night, making it vital to maintain the ecological balance by associating this tree with divine power. Our ancestors made sure that it was never cut or damaged in any way. Surprisingly, It is disbelief that at night if we go near to the peepal tree, the ghost will follow us. But the actual is, at night trees exhale carbon dioxide and inhale oxygen and if we sleep near tree one can feel unconscious due to lack of oxygen.
Why do we worship the Tulsi plant?

In Indian culture, Tulsi has given the status of the mother. Tulsi is also called holy or sacred Basil. The spiritual and medicinal attributes of these are renowned the world over. The Vedic sages knew the benefits of Tulsi, and that’s why they personified it as a Goddess and gave a clear message to the entire community that it needs to be taken care of by the people, literate or illiterate. We attempt to protect it because it is like Sanjeevani for humans. Tulsi is an incredible antigenic herb that helps to reduce strain.
Tulsi is a remarkable antibiotic whose medicinal properties are renowned. It helps to cure several ailments, including the usual cold. It contains no caffeine, and other stimulants tulsi helps to increase physiological endurance. Taking a tulsi every day in tea or otherwise helps to maintain the physiological balance in the body and boost immunity. More significant, thus increases your lifespan. Keeping a tulsi plant at home keeps insects and mosquitoes out. It is a belief and stated that even snakes stay at bay from Tulsi. In India, every traditional family from time immemorial to this day has the Tulsi plant for both its spiritual and medical significance.
Why do we throw coins into a river or well?

We have always been listening to it, that the throwing of coins into the well or river brought good luck. What was the scientific reason behind this custom? Tanks, ponds, wells, and rivers were ancient water bodies. In ancient times, The use of copper was there to make most of the currency in contrast to the stainless steel coins of today. One of the properties of copper was that when the thrown of a coin into the water. It helped the dust particles to settle to the bottom and making the drinking water available on the top. Copper is a significant metal very beneficial to the human body. It was one way our forefathers assured we intake adequate copper as part of the water as rivers and wells were the only sources of drinking water. By making it a custom ensured that all of us follow the practice.
What are the scientific reasons behind touching the feet?
Cosmic energy flows in our bodies from one end to another. When a person whose feet you are touching is either old or pious. When they accept your respect which came from your reduced ego (and is called your Shraddha) their hearts emit positive thoughts and energy (which is called their Karuna) which reaches you through their hands and toes.
In essence, the completed circuit enables the flow of energy and increases cosmic energy, switching on a quick connection between two minds and hearts. To an extent, the same deliver through handshakes and hugs. The nerves that start from our brain spread across all our bodies. These nerves or wires end at the fingertips of your hand and feet. You touch the fingertips of your hand to those of the opposite feet of an old aged person. The formation of a circuit immediately takes place, and the energies of two bodies are connected. In this manner, fingers of hands become receptors, and fingers of feet become a giver of strength.
Conclusion about hidden Scientific Reasons
We have discussed the Indian Traditions and rituals with hidden scientific reasons which we are observing for a long time. We get to know about the scientific reasons behind these Indian rituals and practices. Unfortunately, we have witnessed or belonged to this society with innumerable traditions. Although, we lack the understanding of the scientific facts behind several Indian traditions and customs and brand them superstitious and meaningless.
We have shelved away many of these anecdotes passed on by our forefathers with years of increasing westernization a lot of it because of sheer ignorance. Before, when the literacy rates in the country were much less than it is now, instilling a fear of God was the only way to put forth scientific ideas and practices involving logical reasoning. We have unfortunately forgotten the core of such genius measures and brushed them away as superstitious.
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Composed By: Abhay Ghanghas
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