Ever heard of Ram Mohammed Singh Azad? Some may confuse it with the structure of the name. As it represents a complex conglomerate of the titles of multiple religions residing in India. It is mostly in the northwest part that is close to the fertile land of the Indus & its tributaries. Well, the name is a past reality of Sardar Udham Singh.
It was adopted to promote and draw up Indian harmony against explicit and miserably terrible odds carried out by the imperialists. The name is a perfect example to prove Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. Individuals from each community fought shoulder to shoulder to chase away the white supremacists who were termites for our economy in many ways.
What greater honour could be bestowed on me than death for the sake of my motherland.
Sardar Udham Singh
Sardar Udham Singh adopted this name in 1940. When the British arrested him in London on 13 March 1940 for the murder of Michael O’Dwyer at the Caxton Hall in London. A meeting of the East Indies Association and Central Asian Society took place. Udham Singh shot him twice as he approached the stage at the conclusion. These two gunshots, which were indirectly the response of the outraged Indians, pierced O’Dwyer’s chest by killing him instantly.

Almost 21 years ago, the same man, Michael O’Dwyer, ordered the brutal slaughter of innocent Indians in the Jallianwala bagh in Amritsar on April 13, 1919. The number of people killed was 379. But in reality, more than thousands of people lost their lives. Also, a big number of people were injured. They gathered to peacefully protest the Rowlett act and the arrest of local leaders of the INC, Satyapal & Saifuddin Kitchlew. Sardar Udham Singh was serving water to people gathered in Bagh Jallianwala. He witnessed the brutal slaughter with his own senses and could not sleep peacefully. Afterwards, the fire of vengeance never degraded in the heat.

He highly adored and was a follower of Sardar Bhagat Singh & his revolutionary group. Udham Singh was part of the HSRA (Hindustan Socialist Republican Association). He was also part of the Ghadar Party that was mainly busy gathering support from the Indians from overseas in overthrowing colonial rule. In 1924, Bhagat Singh recalled him to India when he brought along numerous associates and munitions and revolvers.
Britishers arrested Sardar Udham Singh for the same thing and a lot of ammunition, revolvers. Ghadar party newsletter was confiscated & he was put in prison until his release in 1931. After the hangings of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev took place in Mianwali prison in former Punjab. After release, he fled to Kashmir and made his way to Germany. Sardar Udham Singh arrived in London and found a job as a professional engineer in 1934.
Udham Singh drew up plans to trigger Michael O’Dwyer in London and wrote down many things about it in his diary. In March 1940, he finally executed what had been brewing in his head for 21 years. Caxton Hall witnessed these shots of absolute justice while blood thrust out from O’Dwyer’s breast. The 21 years that had elapsed since the Jallianwala massacre finally resulted in the ambition of justice. While Udham Singh pulled the trigger on his gun that day.
During the trials, he expressed his heart to the judge concerning the voice of the oppressed Indians. The British were ruthlessly repressing the Indians. He kept saying every detail that his mind was capable of triggering. When the judge finally and forcefully ordered to stop him. He shouted that DOWN WITH BRITISH IMPERIALISM, DOWN WITH BRITISH DIRTY DOGS. He had charges of murder in Pentonville prison. Sardar Udham Singh was later hanged on July 31, 1940.
British authorities condemned him however, the London Times portrayed him as a martyr. Udham Singh has been praised internationally. Until today, 31 July is observed as a holiday each year in Punjab & Haryana states of India and pay tribute to Jallianwala Bagh. Garlands are offered to each & every bust erected in Punjab.
While he sacrificed his life for a pious and just cause. Sardar Udham Singh left over a template for every Indian to follow that is the name he gave to himself in the jail in London. RAM MOHAMMED SINGH AZAD where AZAD shows the sentiment against colonialism and for freedom. The name reflects the cohesiveness that links the Indian people and makes the Indian spirit unbreakable.
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Composed By: Ajay Bhanwala